Monday, November 12, 2007

12 Apostles...

Come Holy Spirit!

The Twelve Apostles were called by Jesus Christ to be His hands and feet in this world. He called them out of their every day lives and He taught them face to face. These twelve heard His voice and knew what He looked like. They watched God walk on the earth He created, among His own people. Jesus then commissioned these twelve to 'go out to all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.' And they did...

Last Thursday night we witnessed an amazing show of faith - but this show was not on a stage. Sure, we, the MSP performed on a stage under lights with music and costume, but what WE saw, sitting on the seats in front of us, were twelve disciples of Christ, who came together for the cause of life. Their faith was something inspiring...

'Imago Dei' is St. Leo University's pro-life group, begun only last year by a freshman girl. I don't know whether or not there has ever been a pro-life group here before. It is composed of students who unite for those made in the image and likeness of God, begging and pleading the world around them to respect the lives of all humans, from conception to a natural death. They, like the first Apostles, have been called by Christ to be witnesses of the truth to a culture that would rather not hear it. They have been called to share the life and love of Christ in the streets, in their dorms, in their classrooms. And maybe they won't lose their life for these truths, but they will sacrifice much to stand in opposition to what is legally accepted and condoned.

These 12 students have a tremendous and beautiful responsibility, because people are usually not willing to hear that an unborn fetus is really a human, and that abortion is murder. And it kills not only the child, but in so many ways, the mother as well. Yet grief and sorrow over aborting a baby is not politically correct, so mothers (yes, they are still mothers) live in silent shame with their forbidden grief, burying a secret that is too terrible to tell. 'Imago Dei' exists to fight against and expose the lies of a pro-choice game.

The truth is, abortion kills Someone - with a body, with a soul, with a heart, with a Name. To abort or terminate a life, humans voluntarily murder other humans, and get paid for it. Mothers opt for death instead of life because, often, they have no other choice (isn't that ironic? A woman is 'pro-choice' often because she has no other choice). And mothers need to be told that there ARE alternatives. They need to be told there are people who WOULD raise her child and care for him. Other mothers must be told that forgiveness is possible. Tell a woman considering an abortion that she has options, she has choices, and that she and her baby will be loved - they are loved.

There are so many lies spun around us, and this group is one that is untangling an ugly web and letting the light shine through. That young freshman girl saw the need for a pro-life influence at her school, and she did something about it. She inspired other people to join her. Jesus commissioned only 12 to take His Message to the whole world. I have no doubt those twelve, by God's amazing grace, will save many many lives and give many others His Truth.

Can you imagine what our United States of America could be if more disciples for life spoke up and made themselves heard? God bless, Mary

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