Monday, March 10, 2008

Our Lady of Lourdes


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

We were at Our Lady of Lourdes this past weekend for a Confirmation Retreat. About 25 8th graders accompanied us on an intense spiritual retreat and reflection of who we are and Who God Is. Talks on Confession, the Eucharist, making good decisions, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, saints, adoration, games... I think it was a good experience for all of us. I always learn a lot from these days - I who am supposed to be the one teaching. But, we fall back out of the spiritual battle only long enough to be healed, be restored, receive our nourishment and support and new orders, and we are back out again, in the midst of the battle. But we are fighting for God, living for God, dying for God, so it all makes sense, and it is all at once worth the fight. God is so good to us. He is so generous and faithful. All He asks is our love in return.

We've been allowed to travel and perform and meet so many people - so many souls that we otherwise could never have known. I really hope that one day, I might see all these souls again, as we fight and work and pray and love - all the way to Heaven. Future saints of America, I pray we meet again. God bless, Mary

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